Instrument Parts and Care
Ø Naming the String Instruments and Parts
Ø Unpacking and Caring for a String Instrument
This unit can be taught while students are in the process of getting their materials at the store. Students should learn to care for their instruments before they open their cases and begin handling their instruments.
1. Naming the String Instruments and Parts
- Lay out a violin, viola, cello, and string bass and bows, including one German bass bow.
- Copy and distribute the Instrument Parts Diagram.
- Introduce the string instruments—violin, viola, cello, string bass—describing the unique characteristics of each.
- Point to different parts of an instrument and identify them.
- Students fill in answers on Instrument Parts Diagram; review spelling.
- Review parts and spelling for subsequent days.
- HW: Students may take a blank Instrument Parts Diagramto complete on their own.
- Assessment: On the Instrument Parts Diagram, students will identify and correctly spell the parts of the string instruments by themselves.
2. Unpacking and Caring for a String Instrument
- Copy and distribute the handout: Caring for Your Instrument
- Read and explain hand out with the class, including why the rules are important
- To review, ask students questions about instrument care.
- Instruct students to take the sheet home to review with their parents. Parent signature is recommended for this form.
- When the students have their instruments, have them follow the steps outlined on the bottom of Caring for Your Instrument. It may be necessary to have upper and lower strings unpack at different times.
- HW: Students should take instrument and handout home to show parents; parents can follow along and check to make sure students follow the steps correctly.
- Assessment: Students may demonstrate the 7 steps of unpacking and packing their instrument; teacher may use Caring for Your Instrument as a check list. The teacher may ask 3 questions about Instrument Care to round the assessment out to 10 points.